Sunday, June 15, 2008

Going Local

It was a beautiful day at the Beaverton Farmer's Market, we have finally gotten some sun here in the Pacific NW. Produce is about a month behind, but there are still wonderful things to buy grown by Denison's Farm.

There were more varieties of cherry tomatoes this week and a few Oregon spring tomatoes. Heirlooms are coming soon.

I made a wonderful jam with golden raspberries last year.

Fresh bulbs of garlic.

Fava beans, there is always a lot of talk about how to cook fava beans. Usually the beans are taken out of the pod, blanched and then shelled again. Many steps! Apparently they can be just as good chopped up whole and sautéed with olive oil, salt, pepper and some lemon juice. Not only does this make the job a lot easier, it means that you have more food for your money. I brought home more fava beans this week and I'm going to try cooking the whole bean.

Fennel has a subtle anise flavor that is used in many Italian dishes.

And lastly, someone found this crazy strawberry and we all had to marvel over it a bit.


Diane Gilleland said...

Oh, my - what lovely photos! I am so jonesing for a farmer's market visit. Golden raspberries = YUM.

mushroommeadows said...

i've never seen golden raspberries before! they look magical!

Amy said...

That strawberry is nuts! How cool is that? As always, love the produce shots! You should submit those to Flickr. I am sure they must have a Flickr Produce Pool or something :)