Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Market Day 1

Oh so delicious.

Carrots and sweet onions.

Leeks, new potatoes, green garlic, and fennel.

Lovely radishes.

Cabbage raab, oh yeah.

New potatoes.

I'm so glad that Farmer's Market Season is here!


SquishyCuteStuff said...

Wow...those photos are beautiful! I am so envious of my warmer-climate e-friends who already have tons of fresh produce. However, I DID notice my first tiny tomato on one of my Topsy Turvy planters this morning!

Diane Gilleland said...

Yay, yay, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Lovely photos!

What does one do with Cabbage raab?

Hello, I'm Sally. said...

You can cook cabbage raab just as you would asparagus. It is tender and sweet.

pam@gingerbreadsnowflakes.com said...

It appears that someone I know loves the farmers market and fresh produce!

Love the photos. Thanks for sharing your visit!