Violet's very violet Valentine.
paper cups
colored card stock
googly eyes
glue stick
craft sticks

I bought colored paper cups and then made a template of a heart that fit inside that I used to trace onto colored card stock.

While I cut out the hearts, the kids had the job of signing their names on the cup and decorating them with stickers.

Then came the fun part, googly eyes and ric-rac. I glued the stick on to ensure that they were straight so that they would align well in the cup. I used an exacto knife to cut a line in the bottom of the cup. The cut needs to be right in the center and just the size of the stick so that the heart fits inside and the stick is snug.

Making 24 of these was a lot for the kids to do. Wren signed his own name on all the cups and did most of the stickers and faces. I printed out the word "from:" and glued it in front of his name. I hope the kids have fun with them tomorrow!
Ooh this is adorable!!
Those are so cute! We just did the Yo Gabba valentines (of course!) and I made treat bags. One of the things we put in it were these micro-water guns that I found at Target (12 for $1.99). They are so cute, and they do shoot far! The girls have been playing the the extras in the bath ☺
Very cute! At my youngest's preschool, they made something similar with groundhogs for groundhog's day!
very cute! i seriously think it's cute to pass out hand made ones. :D
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